Category: Resources

Posted in News

Climate Change vs Pizza

Nothing really good comes out of the climate change movement. Now they are against delicious pizza. Time…

Posted in Classes Podcast Recommendations

Desiring God

Most people in the world have no experience of deep and abiding joy. Even though it is…

Posted in Events and Places Politics

Breakfast With Ted Cruz

Tarrant County GOP hosted a breakfast today with Senator Ted Cruz to help kick off the 2024…

Posted in Events and Places Politics

Dinner with Ted Cruz

Friday, June 9, 2023, Vince and Mona Puentes hosted a BBQ dinner to help Senator Ted Cruz…

Posted in Books Children

Brave Books

Faith based kid’s books publishers. Featured authors include Kirk Cameron, John Solomon, Missy Robertson, and Bethany Hamilton….

Posted in Classes Recommendations

Science of People

Vanessa Van Ewards is a social scientist and put together the curriculum for Science of People. She…

Posted in Art Travel

Sistine Chapel

Michelangelo considered himself a very gifted sculptor, but was asked to paint figures for the Sistine Chapel…

Posted in Classes Politics

Constitution 101

This class covers the philosophy and some history surrounding the writing and ratifying of the US constitution….

Posted in Classes Politics

The Real American Founding: A Conversation

This is an excellent class that covers the founding of the United States and the legal and…

Posted in Art Travel

Chartres Cathedral

There are several amazing historic cathedrals around the world. The book, “75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know”…