Bording Passes Printed!
Good News! I’m out of prewritten emails. From this point forward, I’ll be writing each day about the day. My plan – which could totally change, is to try to make a short video about each location that I visit, so, each email should have several video links. But who knows, that could all change. Oh, and you’ll start getting emails at 3pm instead of 3am. 3pm Fort Worth time is 11pm in Israel!
Next Email: Friday at 3pm!
Founders Plaza
You might have noticed that I changed the header picture. No, I’m not travelling on a freighter… though I hear people do that.
I wanted to start using my own pictures, so I figured this was a good one. I did take that picture out at DFW back in May. There is a really nice park on the north end of the airport where you can sit and watch airplanes and listen to the ground control radio. This park is called DFW Founders Plaza.
Queen of the Skys
The plane in that picture is a Boeing 747. Its one of my favorite airplanes because it just looks really elegant and it has the very distinct hump at the front that was actually designed to make this a practical cargo plane. Passenger airlines used this second level in some very unique ways.
1971 American Airlines “Piano Bar” Commercial – YouTube