12 Tribes
Stealing from their about page, 12 Tribes produces…
“Music that presents culture, music that presents a nation, music that is a story of the yearning Jewish soul, music that has a flavor, a color and a strong connection to this ancient land, to the roots from which we grew. Music that is a dialogue with our inner self and with the outside world.“
The song/video I’m sharing is a performance of a part of the Song of Songs.
Song of Songs
You have captivated my heart, my sister, my bride; you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.
Songs 4:9
Song of Songs (Song of Solomon) is a romantic poem between a man and woman and is unlike any of the other books in the bible, where the others deal with law, wisdom, or life in general. There are two reasons it was included in the Old Testament as canonical after much debate in the 1st century BC. One is that was supposedly written by Solomon. The second is that it was considered an allegorical work that describes God’s love for Israel.
Song of Songs is read on the Sabbath at Passover – describing the relationship between God and Israel or Christ and the church.
Read Song of Songs at Bible.com